These are the main differences between a scooter and motorcycle.
Most people depend on their car or SUV for their their daily commute to and from work. Others ride mass transit or walk. Some even ride their motorcycles. Can you make the switch to a smaller two-wheel way to get to work. Scooters and...
With Michigan passing a new helmet law, many motorcyclists are questioning all of the state’s motorcycle helmet laws. As an aide to bikers in their travels across United States, the Michigan motorcycle accident lawyers of Buckfire & Buckfire, P.C. created the “Motorcycle Helmet Laws” Graphic.
Benefits of helmet use
All too often, we see the tragic results of injuries that a motorcyclist could have avoided had he or she simply worn a safety helmet. Many fatalities and traumatic brain injuries could have been mitigated or even eliminated, had the driver worn a safety helmet.
The Facts:
Here is a post my friend, Matt Dolman, Esq., shared with me. He is a Florida motorcycle attorney >> Click Here. and I asked him to share this with you. He says that motorcycle helmets, known to heavily reduce brain injuries and casualties from collisions. Also, they have shown the ability to...
Motorcycle accidents are potentially deadly and all-too-common; that’s something that few people can dispute. However, do most motorcyclists realize the numbers that back that statement? Knowing the statistics concerning motorcycle accidents can be a helpful way for a motorcyclist to remain aware...
Riding a motorcycle is a continuous learning process. So this means if you are a new motorcyclist you have a lot to learn and if you are an experienced rider, you have even more to learn. There are about 2,500 skills that are used in riding a motorcycle. This is one of the reasons it is important...
Ehline Law Firm Personal Injury Attorneys, APLC, 198 N Arrowhead Ave #20 , San Bernardino, CA 92408, Phone: (909) 693-5417 Email: